Lohei is a tradition in Chinese New year whereby people come together to toss food for good luck. It is usually eaten as an appetizer and contains the following ingredients:
1) 生鱼 Salmon sashimi
Greetings: 年年有余
Definition: May you never lack for anything
2) 柚子 Pomelo
Definition: Wishing you good luck and good fortune
3) 胡椒粉 White Pepper
Greetings: 招财进宝
Definition: May you have more wealth and fortune
4) 油 Oil
Greetings: 财源广进
Definition: Wishing you have more sources of wealth
5) 红萝卜 Carrot
Greetings: 鸿运当头
Definition: Wishing you the best of luck
6) 青萝卜Green Radish
Definition: May you be young forever
7) 白萝卜White Radish
Definition: May you continue to progress and prosper
8) 花生粉 Peanuts Crumbs
Greetings: 黄金满屋
Definition: May your house be full of gold
9) 芝麻 Sesame seeds
Greetings: 生意兴隆
Definition: May your business prosper
10) 饼干 Golden crackers
Greetings: 遍地黄金
Definition: May your floor be covered with gold
11) 酸梅酱Plum sauce
Greetings: 甜甜蜜蜜
Definition: May you have sweet and loving relationships
You realise there is no 身体健康 which means to have good health. I really think that is the most important instead of wealth and fortune. For a healthier and crunchier snack food recipe, you can substitute peanut crumbs with pine nuts and sesame seeds with sunflower seeds.
Wishing everyone a prosperous and healthy new year! Huat ah!